Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Jobs Page on Chapter Web Site

Congratulations to all that have been involved in the process of our Web Page Re-Design. What a great internet image we have now on our 20th anniversary year. We have come a long way from when Bob Sawhill, Scott Hillis and I first sat down at a Chapter Website Committee Meeting and commissioned Steve Willis along with Mike Dowd to invent and then re-invent our first “presence” on the internet.

I think you will agree with me that we now show an updated excitement and dedication that we have stood for here in the Sacramento Valley for over 20 years. You owe it to yourself to take a look at our website and especially our “Jobs” tab and see what we have been up to. There you will find job postings, resumes, and a link to our brethren in the BAY AREA IFMA CHAPTERS. Not only will you be getting the exposure of the Sacramento Valley Chapter of IFMA but also that of our big brothers to the West. Give our new look a gander. I think you will be impressed and will join me in saying job well done to the folks that have made this thought for improvement a reality.—Tim McGuire, Chairman, Job Referral Committee