Thursday, June 12, 2008

2008 Strategic Planning Session

Howdy Partners! (I'm practicing for WWP-Dallas

I am organizing the 2008 Strategic Planning Session for our chapter. The session is open to all board members, committee chairs & co-chairs as well as any members identified by said board or committee chairs. For example, Serena or John may have a person in mind for eventual succession down the road, and they want to involve that person more. Or, there may be a particular volunteer who has demonstrated a skill that would make him/her a valuable participant during the session. Therefore, board members and committee chairs: please have your participation lists back to me by July 15th please.

Secondly, to prepare for the session, please review our current strat plan (I will be sending out an end of the year recap with our percentages of accomplishments, etc...) after July 1st. We have an exceptionally creative leadership team. It would be helpful if, at the committee level, some brainstorming was done prior to the strat plan session. So, please engage your committees and bring some ideas!

We are looking at an all day (9:00am to 5:00pm) Friday time slot on either August 22nd or 29th in Sacramento. Email me at to let me know if you can make these dates.

I can't tell you how gratifying it has been to be at these sessions each year and then compiling the Awards of Excellence submittals. I have seen so many things come full circle thanks to the hard work and creativity of this chapter. We have the first twenty years behind us and we are on the road to "Large Chapter Excellence" - Let's put the accelerator down and kick it up a notch!

-Your most grateful and IFMA-Indebted chapter member,


Anonymous said...

Matt Dariano should be there as the up and coming Programs Committee Chair.

Anonymous said...

Either the 22nd or 29th work for me Wayne.


Christian Flanders

ChristineC said...

Either 22nd or 29th works for me.

Anonymous said...

I am only GOOD for Sept. 12th.