Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Church of What's Happening Now (at IFMA)

As I prepare for my annual trek to World WorkPlace in Dallas, I look forward to attending the IFMA Annual Meeting and the House of Delegates meeting on Tuesday afternoon. I highly encourage those who are able to get to these meetings to do so. This is where you learn about the direction, the challenges and the changes ahead for our association and how our Chapter can make the most of our IFMA experience.

I also encourage you to look into the Wednesday morning council meetings. Many councils have them and this is an excellent way to sharpen your "functional spear" and get in touch with FMers out there who are in the same business you are in - a great opportunity to find those connections to help you solve those difficult problems. For example, I am in the FM Counsultant's Council, and I network with others in the FM consulting field. In fact, I am the President for the coming year (always a sucker for volunteering!!).

This gathering in Dallas is a chance to get outside your normal networking comfort zone and get to know othes from around the country and around the world. I know it's tempting to pal around with your fellow chapter members, but work with each other and introduce your new friends to old friends.

I look forward to seeing some of you at the conference. Travel safely.

Kit Tuveson, CFM, IFMA Fellow

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